Champion Mindset Bingo ~Free
PreRegistration Required
Join us for 1 hr of fun
and prizes.
Wear your game day uniform!
Winners can win prizes that may include gift cards, books, and T-shirts and SWAG.
When: Date Friday May 8th 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm EDT
How: Sign up below.
We will send you an electronic Bingo Card
and the Zoom logon information.
Just Fun with teammates.
Tell us your favorite pre game songs and we will jam out as we play.
Yes! I want to play!
Champion Mindset Bingo
Online. Fun. Free.
Friday May 8, 2020
7:00 pm -8:00 pm EDT
Via Zoom
Team Building, Music, Prizes.
Pre -Registration Required.
Yes I want to play!
Championship Mindset Bingo
Friday May 8, 2020
7:00 - 8:00 pm EDT

Strategies to overcome high expectations

How to focus on the outcome, not the process

How to commit to positive self-talk

How to master emotional control

Breathing techniques to help you center and calm

Visualizing your success and preparing mentally and physically
Champion Mindset Bingo
Friday May 8, 2020
7:00 pm (Card and Zoom link to follow after you register)